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Winter Lookbook - Holiday Outfits [Casual to Dressed Up]

By 1:39 PM

**Originally on my newest blog >> JuneBeautique

Why hello there! 
Here are some outfits from my winter lookbook video that I would like to share with you. These outfits are what I would wear to holiday parties, depending on the dress codes. Here, in all of my outfits, my focus is on the classic trench-coat. I would definitely change some of these outfits to tailor to the weather of your location. I live in Southern California, so our winter feels like fall. I would definitely add more layers and wear only boots if I were to live in a colder climate. However, I do hope you like these pictures. Let me know which outfit is your fav~

Video Lookbook Video:

Outfit #1 - Casual

Outfit #2 - Semi Casual

Outfit #3 - Dressy (Party Outfit)

Outfit #4 - Dressy (Party Outfit)

For this outfit, I would glam it up with a statement necklace. I would also add a few more jewelry pieces to spice up the outfit. Unfortunately, I left my jewelry at home when I went to shoot for this look.

THAT'S IT! I hope you like this post~ Let me know which outfit you like most!

Bye guys! Have a wonderful day!


Thank you so much for reading!